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Participated in Giving Bank-NGO India from September 25-26, 2014 at Nehru Center, Exhibition Hall, Worli Mumbai. The exhibition was organized by UBM in association with Guide Star India Mumbai.
NRMCW was awareded "Platinum Award" by Guide star India Mumbai for transparency and public accountability.
Participated in Dasra Girl Power Awards 2014-15 at BSE Mumbai and out of 152 applications from all over India we became one of the finalists among 4 in employability category.
Trained 225 minority women in Leadership Development Program sponsored by Ministry of Minority Affairs, New Delhi Bhopal.
Trained 250 fisher women in diversification of traditional fishing technologies, preparation of fish products, better fish marketing, post harvest fish handling practices and disaster preparedness at district Hoshangabad. The program was sponsored by National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad.
w Trained 100 fishermen of Tawa Nagar reservoir locality of block Kesla district Hoshangabad in integrated fish farming. The program was sponsored by National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad.
Trained 100 participants ( 50 in rewinding of AC/DC motors at Biora and Mungawadi, 25 in R & M of Cellular phones at Mungawali and 25 in R & M of two wheeler at Biora) in 45 days training programs sponsored by National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad.
Training program for 100 participants is in progress at Chhapara district Seoni and Raisen. They are being trained in R & M of two wheelers and rewinding of AC/DC motors and repairs of diesel pump set. The programs were sponsored by NIRD Hydrabad.
Trained 30 participants in R & M of two wheeler at village Dehri block Bina Dist. Sagar. The program was sponsored by Bharat Oman Refineries Ltd. Bina.
Trained 30 participants in R & M of 2 wheeler at Sironj dist. Vidisha. The program was sponsored by DPIP Vidisha.
Trained 240 boys and girls in various trades in Bhopal, Jabalpur, Mandideep, Bina, Boira and Athner. The programs were sponsored by M P OBC & Minority Finance and Development Corporation Bhopal.
Made aware more than 200 beneficiaries regarding various schemes of the State and Central Governments and organized other programs such as plantation, motivational lectures etc. in Bhopal. The program was sponsored by Jan Abhiyan Parishad Bhopal.
Organized training programs in Stitching, beauty parlour and Martial Arts for the adolescent girls under SABLA program ( Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls) at Barkhedi, Govindpura, Bairgarh and Motia Park ICDS area Bhopal. The programs were sponsored by Women & Child Development Department, Bhopal.
By getting sponsorship from CBCI-CARD, TB awareness program is being run in block Biora district Rajgarh, M.P.
On 24th March 2015, a grand rally was organized at Biora for the awareness generation among local public. The program fund was received from Article 25 Education fund PIH New Delhi.

Our Success Stories

Rupesh Dandare

Rupesh Dandare, is a live example of determination and success. Rupesh was born in the family of Mr. Ramesh Dandare, resident of village Athner district Betul on 24th December 1993 on the eve of Holy Christmas. Rupesh passed his higher secondary with the subjects, business studies, business economics, book keeping and accountancy. He was always in a mood to start his own business. He belongs to a prosperous family and his father is a Gardner and Farmer. Rupesh wanted to do something different from his traditional business. When he came to know that a free of cost training was going to be started at Athner in the trade mobile repairs by NRMCW Bhopal; by getting the sponsorship from NIRD Hyderabad; he enrolled himself in the training and attended it for the entire period. After successful completion of the training, he began to search for a shop to start his own business. Initially, the margin money was given by his father. Rupesh started his own business and soon people realized that he has the business acumen in his blood. Within no time he established himself in the market and begun to get more and more business. Rupesh wanted to do something different since the beginning. His inclination was never towards service but business. Now when he is able to open his own shop, he wants to boost his business. He is doing hard work and giving more and more time at his shop. He had applied in the local bank for a loan to further grow his business. He has intention that he shall return the amount what he has taken from the family. Rupesh is also helping to his peers and one or two trainees work with him at his shop. He encourages them also to acquire a good skill and credit in the market so that in future they can also start their own business. Rupesh and his family are happy with his progress and they also encourage him to do better. Rupesh is just 21 years old and the whole life is there before him. His sincerity, firm determination and lull to go ahead and ahead, help him to do better every day. He is making a plan to own his own shop as presently he is doing business by hiring a shop in the market. He also wants to diversify his business in communication sector and trying in this direction.

Rupesh is very much thankful to NRMCW Bhopal and NIRD Hyderabad who gave him the right direction and support to make real his dream. He is in touch with NRMCW. He got a chance to visit NIRD Hyderabad for two days' work shop. As per him it was a good experience and meeting with some other entrepreneurs their and sharing his view with them and getting their views, will help him in future to do better

Rahul Bharatpure

Rahul Bharatpure is the resident of Athner district Betul, Madhya Pradesh. He was born on 24th March 1991. His father is a labour but wanted that his son should get the proper and higher education. Rahul passed his B.Com and was in search of a service. He made so many attempts but couldn't get the success. One day when he was reading the newspaper he found that a free of cost training is being organized at Athner for the trade mobile repairing. He saw an opportunity in it and joined the training from March 15th to May 20, 2013. He attended the training with full zeal and vigor and got the skill appropriately. Now he wanted to start his own business but finance was the problem. Hence he started rendering his services on a free lance basis at his home. He used to sit on other mobile shops also and get more and more chance to repair the mobiles. He was gaining confidence in his work and was also saving some money from his earnings to start his own shop. As the time passed, Rahul was able to save sufficient amount to give shape to his dream and he began a search to find a suitable location to start his own shop in the market or nearby it. It was a tedious job as the available shop were either too costly or were not at the suitable place where he wanted to start his own business.

Fortunately, a shop got empty and he met the shop owner to hire it. The shop was near the main market and could be suitable for his business. Through his negotiation skill, he convinced the shop-owner to give him the shop and assured him that he will regularly pay the rent on time. Looking at the firm determination in his eyes and be known about his fine skill, the show-owner got ready to give him the shop. Rahul's joys knew no bounds as at last he was able to fulfill his own dream. With the help of his savings and some loan from the parents and relatives and support from his friends, he started “ Bharatpure Communication” at Athner in district Betul. Slowly and gradually, his business picked up the pace and now not only he is repairing the mobiles but also selling the necessary accessories required for repairing of mobiles. Also he started selling top-up vouchers, mobiles and down loading materials from the net. Soon, Rahul had become a successful entrepreneur and he supported some of his peers also to work at his shop. Rahul chose the way of self-employment instead of running behind the service. He and his family is in very satisfactory condition now. The parents are planning to do his “Gauna' soon. Rahul is in touch with NRMCW Bhopal and he thanked it a lot as well as NIRD Hyderabad who gave him such an opportunity to turn the pace of his life.